Sunday, August 6, 2017

Restart blogging over a booze

It has been a while i went out to booze with my friend on Saturday Night. 

I met up a blogger friend of mine in Solaris Mont Kiara for Yamcha session. Initially, booze was not in our agenda as we just wanna to have some cake and non-alcohol drinks. When we finished the chatting, cakes and drinks at Bene Caffe. We decided to walk around... 

Guess what? We came across the SaltLick @ Soho KL. There was a live band called Chemistry was singing the song that my friend like. As the person like booze booze... we will not hesitate to walk into the pub and sat down. 

Since i promised my mama not to booze so i ordered a TEA which is slightly long. 

During the drink, all of the sudden, i got the inspiration of restart my blog and i told this blogger friend of mine. Here you go ... the 5 Elements of My life restart on Aug 6th 2017. 

We left the place after finished our 2nd drink...