Saturday, August 15, 2009

AH1N1 - 56 death cases in Malaysia (Aug 14th 2009 - 8am)

The figure 56 has triggered me to think what has gone wrong in Malaysia. The reported cases has raised  over 20% which most of the country still maintain @ 10% ++ .... what i meant is the cases of H1N1 infected against the death cases... Is the citizen of Malaysia ignore on how serious is AH1N1? Or Malaysian lack of the knowledge to prevent the outbreak of AH1N1? I don't think the Malaysian were lack of the knowledge... So, what is the root cause?... What do you think? 

I was a bit upset to see the death toll getting more and more... moreover, i did not see the government doing a drastic action to stop the outbreak... they still go with their own sweet pace... hey... please get some good solution to stop the death toll raising... Learnt from how Hong Kong and Singapore... 

I did see some people start using the masks to cover their own... But still see someone who was sick roaming around the city... Is this a right way to do? For those who not feeling well... please DO NOT go out... stay @ home and got yourself quarantine... 

Lots of question asking whether school need to be closed... What do you think? 


William said...

More and more ppl wearing masks lo.... but still got people cough openly.... must give 'em dirty stares.

vincent said...

close my skul close my skul !

TZ said...

William: Dude, I told them off when they cough and sneezed in front of me... :p

TZ said...

Vincent: Kiddo being lazy ... "Close my skul". Blek! But i think school should be closed. Hong Kong govt closed the school immediately to control AH1N1. Our education minister say how could we close the school for just 1 or 2 people infected ... They are waiting for the whole school to be infected and automatically closed... save their work.... MALAYSIA BOLEH~

Reanaclaire said...

what did sg and HK do to prevent this? sorry..was backdated... yes, town less ppl now..more turning to eating fruits..

SS Quah said...

"Sick roaming around the city" .... it's because they are SELFISH and not because they are ignorant

Bengbeng said...

Sibu is full of ppl who r sick n not wearing masks. Or mayb it is bcoz i m over sensitive bcos of worry over Benghui

Twilight Man said...

I started chanting more mantras to prevent the flu!

TZ said...

Reanaclaire: HK closed the school and cancel gathering, events but our bolehland country... everything still continue ... sigh~ sigh~ sigh~

Quah, Seng-Sun: i agreed ... let's see how the govt action against these SELFISH people.

BengBeng: Not much different in KL... I started to see more ppl on masks but still people just throw their used tissue anywhere and everywhere... Spreading the virus... sigh!

Twilight Zone: hopefully your chanting of mantras can prevent flu... If it's work tell me which mantras you chant eh~