Dinner @ Ninja Jone Izakaya - Northpoint, Midvalley
Finally, yesterday we decided to have a dinner @ Northpoint Midvalley. She has choosen a nice and unique restaurant named Ninja Jones Izakaya. This restaurant has a unique front as the always close and the material of the door is made of metal. There is a waitress standing outside waiting to serve her guest. Once you mentioned how many person... she will press the button and you will see someone wearing total black (refer to the photo). They will mention Welcome in Japanese. The whole setup of the restaurant is so unique that you will not know where to go unless they mention to you especially the washroom (i visited the washroom coz i drank too much green tea hehehe... ).
I took the Steak & Sashimi set... yummy!... Unfortunately I did not bring along my camera tonite to take some picture of the food. After chatting for 2.5 hrs... we left the restaurant at about 9:30pm... it was a good experience dining in the Ninja Jones restaurant... :-)
DeMi, all the best to your new job environment in Singapore... Keep in touch eh!...
Men's toilet (pic taken from sweetsformysweet)
Wow, the men toilet look so kewl!
exactly... you could see what happening at Mid valley mega mall when you pee... Not sure whether outside people could see you or not... :-p
huish ... den im sooo not going to the toilet. Tahaaaan until I reach home, even it means sweating cold drops from all the "keepin'-it-in".
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