Last day @ Penang (July 27th 2007)
Hurray! It was Friday and the team celebrated the mission accomplish after the 4 days of F2F in Penang. Some of the members have flyed back to Costa Rica. The rest of us whom stay until Saturday have decided to go for a small gathering and we selected American Chilli's.
Guess what? I was so disappointed as the Chili's in Penang did not have license to serve alcohol drinks other than the bottle beer. I did not managed to have my favor drinks, Presidente margarita :-( i ended up ordering a beer :-p
We ordered some starter to munch on while we deciding what we would like to have for our main course. We ordered two buffalo wings and a nacho plate. I ordered N.Y Strip steak for my main course. Too bad, I forgot to take a picture of my steak before munching it... :-( But i did take a nice and clean plate...
My Drink
Yummy! steak already in my stomach
My colleague from Costa Rica; China; Malaysia and Phillipines
Dear colleague, goodbye and have a nice trip home eh!
heineken beer, light, clean taste :) u surely clean out ur plate TZ! seems as if u wanna eat up the whole plate even! (from the rounds u make soaking up the gravy!) :P
Winniethepooh, I was so hungry that day after my tired, stressful 4 full day F2F meeting. That's y i forgot to take a nice picture before the meal. :-p Food came and i dived immediately into the juicy steak... mmmm Yummy!
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