Hurray, It's Friday afternoon another few more hours... the weekend will start. No plan for tonight as of right now. My two friends are sick and recovering... :-) Musa and Sbanboy... get well soon eh! and my PT is leaving for Port Dickson to participate the Port Dickson International Triathlon.
- This event combines running, swimming and cycling with the aim of looking for the fittest and tougest man and women.
- More than 1,000 participants from 35 countries are expected to compete in this event.
We will be leaving office at about 5pm and if everything is smooth, will hit KLCC before 6pm. It will be just nice for him to wait for his date in Chili's. Anyway, i would be going to attend Nick's class on Body Balance and Simone class on Body Combat...
Any suggestion where to party on Friday night? or should i just finished my gym and heads home :->
Er.. Simone body combat? er.. just to let you know, aspect very few members to attend her class. Nick'd body bal. is good thou..
Have a good time!
Fitness First is a high end gym in Spore:) I go california fitness.
I used to like bodybalance and bodycombat. Now I am only a fan of boxercise and spinning and step class.
Thanks buddy :)
Musa, I ended up attending the RPM Challenge class by Wayne... He attends PILATE with me on Saturday... :->
PoohBearee, Fitness First in KL is not as high end as Singapore. Fitness first in KL still affortable :-> I like step class too (not bodystep) the free style step that you need to remember the step hehehe...
Sbanboy, hope you come back from your hometown feeling better after the L&T from your mom. (L&T = Love and Tender). hehehe... :-p
nice of ur friend, Matt to get a small gift for his date. Hope his date went nice and smooth :)
Not sure how Matt's date going but yet to find out from him after i back to KL next week. Will update in the blog eh!
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