New stuff for myself
I walked around Midvalley after staying in Starbucks for hours. I like to explore new technology. As i walked over to the 3rd floor, I saw an Apple authorize store MACHINE... yuppie! i would be able to see new product from Apple (I'm an Apple Fans). They are promoting the Apple TV and it has lots of cool feature but unfortunately i'm not impress with their storage. They could only store up to 40GB... which is quite small. Anyway, this is the 1st version of Apple TV. The 2nd version come with 160GB but not in Malaysia yet. Check it out in MACHINE @ MidValley. I'm looking forward to the iPHONE... how about you? Are you into Apple product too?
It was a lucky day for me as i finally found the car accessary that i have been looking around in Malaysia. Yea! I would be able to drive to Penang this afternoon with non-stop music that i like... I just uploaded 20 new songs to my iPOD last night.Pick up my Mom from her friends place and headed to my aunt's place for dinner. After the dinner, we went to IKANO. Guess what? I shopped again and bought myself a pair of nice and comfortable CROCS ... cool eh! I always wanted to have a chnage as I never like slipper since young. So normally i will wear shoes to go out with my friends. When i tried on this pair of CROCS yesterday, I had decided to buy it because it was so comfortable... :-p
Anyway, i also bought another singlet for my gym session, it is a tight one which could show off a little *my face turn red - embarrass* Anyway, my PT keeps encouraging me to try and wear some tight singlet... so i kind of trying out ... hehehe... after all, i have been working out for quite sometime and it's for me to show off *wink* :-p
Wah it seems u had an eventful Saturday ! Shopping and shopping ! :)
Yup Apple Rocks ! I have a macbook and I love it. Next I need to save up for an ipod. :)
I'm saving up for my macbook in the near future... the latest macbook is slim and come with lots of cool feature...
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