Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Picture A Day.
A new blog has born... Guess what? I'm launching my latest blog name "A Picture A Day" I bet all of you will be able to know what is the theme of my new blog by now. Anyway, do pay a visit of my premier post of "A Picture A Day"
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12:00 AM
Labels: photo, What's new?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
TZ in class
Posted by
8:39 AM
Labels: certification, school, study
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Cam whore with creatures
I read Weird Weird Daniel latest entry this morning and realized that the creature in his pictures were kind of familiar. I think i saw that before... Where is it? Hmmmm.... Anyone care to take a guess?

Posted by
10:00 PM
Labels: Feeling, photo, Rumbling, seeking answer
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I'm back ....
Everyone... I'm back I'm back... let's celebrate!!!!...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Dial 100 for Service
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
KFC for dinner
I was so tired and took a nap... when i woke up and walked out from my room. Mom asked me what i would like to have for dinner?
Stomach upset
Two days ago my stomach upset started... I still don't know what caused it but after checking out with two of my friends who has the same condition as me... I think it's the popcorn from TGV Klang Bukit Tinggi... But how the popcorn will cause such an impact?
Anyway, my stomach upset getting worst since last night... I was in and out the toilet with watery stool but as frequent as 3o mins once... Help! Help! anyone please Help me to stop this.... My stomach has been making noise for the whole night and i was so scared that the leakage while i was asleep. Sigh~
I was awaked by the urge of going to the toilet again this morning... I couldn't sleep well and the stomach pain has increased... :( I think it's getting worst, i have to cancel all my appointment for the day, I suppose to go for some nutrition talk with a friend of mine but ended up i just texted my friend a moment ago i don't think i could go... Sorry dude~
Why ? Why ? Please help me to stop this ... it's so suffering..... Ooops gotta go to toilet again. :'(
Chocolate Lover
Attention all Chocolate lovers,
...just sharing this offer to you all.
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12:00 AM
Labels: Food, What's new?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Birthday !!!
If you are a birthday boy or birthday girl... How you wanna to celebrate your birthday? A simple birthday dinner with a bunch of closer friends? A birthday party with expensive gifts and a dinner in expensive place? Invites lots of friends until you only able to say "Hello" to all your invitee... so what is your choice?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
If I say TOILET? what comes to your mind?
My stomach kept making noise since this morning .... Went in and out toilet for nearly 8 times since morning... It's stopped after i decided to take a nap @ about 3pm and 7pm. I stopped eating but just drinking water... the urge of going to the toilet came in again after my dinner. I went in & out another 2 times. What a celebration for the first day of Hari Raya.
I have no idea what has happened to my stomach... Last night i was watching movie @ KBT with friends and i bought myself a popcorn... i suspected the popcorn has problem but surprisingly the other friends of mine has no problem... So what has happened?
Oops.... gotta go to the toilet again... wish all of you have a happy and fruitful holiday eh!
Posted by
11:50 PM
Friday, September 18, 2009
Selfish drivers, Reckless drivers, Law Breaking drivers
For the past few weeks, the traffic pattern in polluted metropolitan city of Kuala Lumpur (KL) was changed due to the Ramadan... It's extremely bad. Just wondered whether the hunger has caused the change of the behavior of a driver?
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: event, Feeling, Rumbling, seeking answer
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The wind was blowing so strong, the skyline of KL is so dark, and the sky looked like going to fall down on the KL city... And loud thunder lighting over KL city .... quick quick get ready for taking my thunder lightning picture ... when i open the sliding door... the wind was extremely strong. I think i would just pass this round...
Posted by
6:26 PM
Labels: photo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Today in History - September 16th
Is it a lucky day for TZ or what? As everyone knew that I was waiting for a call from all the companies that i have my resume deposit into... unfortunately TZ's phone was so quiet until this afternoon... TZ was down for the past weeks. Thanks to all my friends around me who supported me move on day by day.
Monday, September 14, 2009
1-Malaysia Food - Part 2
I got quite a number of comments from the blog communities with lots of different kind of Malaysian food that could become 1-Malaysia food. Just visit my previous post 1-Malaysia Food - Part 1 for more detail...
Anyway, it's time for me to review what i think my 1-Malaysia Food... :p Drum please ... dadadadadaadad .....
So i think ABC is a suitable candidate for 1-Malaysia food... reason being this dessert is seling anyway in regardless of what food stall... you can get this from a chinese food stall, a malay food stall and an indian food stall,,,, BTW, this dessert is accepted by all level of Malaysian, all age and all race... so i think this is 1-Malaysia food :p
What do you think?
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Food, seeking answer
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Classic Cartoon...
I woke up early this morning... switch on the TV and started watching all kind of kids program and cartoons... I'm still like to watch cartoon produced from Walt Disney, cartoon that i grown up with... hehehe... one of my favorite cartoon shown in TV3 @ 10:30am this morning...
That's all folks... BTW, what is your favorite cartoon... mind to share?
Posted by
12:21 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Today in History - 0912
Hmmm... i just wondered what i did one year ago? i bet those people who following my blog will definitely know what i did last year today... kakaka...
Friday, September 11, 2009
090909 Pasta Salad
Since my friends have postponed my lunch date with 4 ladies. I opened the cabinet and fridge to search for ingredients to cook my lunch... At the end i decided to make pasta salad since i have all the ingredients ready in the kitchen... I gathered all the ingredients and started my cooking...
Posted by
12:00 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
1-Malaysia food - part one
Few weeks back, SK has mentioned about Nasi Lemak is the food that represent Malaysia... hehehe... Recently i found another food that is more suitable to represent Malaysia and i bet all Malaysian likes this food. I would not wanna to share out what food yet ... Just wanna to ask my fellow bloggers ... what food do you think is 1 Malaysia food?
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: Food, seeking answer, What's new?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Photogenic Wednesday - 001
I wanna to dedicate Wednesday post to all the photogenic objects in this universe.. September 09th 2009 marks the first post on Photogenic Wednesday... Let's be photogenic eh?
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12:00 AM
Labels: photo, photogenic
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kickass Coffee @ Bad Ass Coffee...
Medie007 and I went for dinner last night @ Tropicana City Mall. After dinner we decided to chillout @ a coffee place... when we walked around the mall, we came across the Bad Ass Coffee place... Looking @ the interesting menu in front of this weird name cafe. The development director Suki approached us and explained what food and coffee they served. So we decided to walk around and get back to the place later.
** kickass in north america slang means very good, excellent; COOL, AWESOME. (source from
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12:00 PM
Labels: chillout, Food, new stuff, What's new?
Merdeka Weekend with Bloggers
I got the opportunities to have the Merdeka dinner with 9 others bloggers which three of them whom i met them for the first time on that day. The nine bloggers consist of Michi, Twilight, Anton, Leumao, Medie007, Jerry Kiat, Danny-the big mouth, K|E|E|N|Y|E|E, Froggie and TZ.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: blogger gathering, chillout, dinner, event
Monday, September 7, 2009
Final Destination 4
Fresh meat is flying around... the blood is splashing every way... the sharpen edge of the object is moving towards you... the scary sound and the beating sound of my heart has made me so excited and scared at the same time while watching this movie on last Saturday afternoon at e@Curve.
Posted by
12:00 AM