SMC = Sunway Medical Center
HKL = Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Why i have the comparison chart above is that recently i was accompanied my mom to HKL for couples of time as my mom was not feeling well... Anyway, every time i was @ HKL, I would mumbling regarding their services and amount of patients within a small area. But after yesterday, I would say that i salute the doctor in HKL... they have to face so many cases and patients within the allocated time. Patients never stops coming in and out the HKL... especially the outpatient department. I just wondered how the SMC doctor handle if the amount of patients are as much as HKL... No offense if you are SMC doctor whom are reading this entry... I never say that SMC no good but comparative... the SMC was a little bit too slow. Maybe it's also good if you are working to SMC to comment about this... :->
This is what i experienced... I was happily got an appointment @ 10am and i was there on the dot. The nurse directed me to the registration desk and i need to register myself. This is okay... the HKL also directed its patient here and there... a little bit disappointed with SMC. Then the registration desk personnel directed me to the waiting area in front of the doctors room, similar procedure that HKL did. Happily walk to the waiting area...
I was given waiting #6... hey come on... I thought i could just walk in and get my jabs... Anyway, I got to wait for 5 person ahead me to see the doctor. Exactly what HKL did too... but HKL would let you know and set your expectation right in the beginning i.e. you need to wait for a long time to see the doctor. I was a little impatient and thinking of how i mumbling @ HKL. Anyway, no one was there with me, so no mumbling around... i just try my luck to start my MacBook and hoping to have connection to the net. So that at least someone in the net could listen to my mumbling :-p At the end i got connected to the net and surfed around happily. SMC, u r lucky to have internet connection and u were lucky i brought my baby Mac with me... So no further compliant and continued my internet surfing.
Time passed quite fast, I was called by the nurse to measure my weight... Given the chance to interact with the nurse, i asked the nurse whether how long would be the waiting time before my turn. Surprisingly, the nurse answer another 3 more... Sigh! ( i have been waiting for 45 mins yet no sign of getting to see the doctor). Estimated time from the nurse was that i would be able to see the doctor before 11am. So, I went back to waiting area and continue surfing...
Finally, I was called in by the doctor, to my surprised the doctor only explained what jabs that he would be giving to me and its side effects. Again, I was disappointed and was directed wait again for the preparation. Oh... what a waste of time... :-(
Few minutes later, two nurses (1 pretty and the other one so so only) came by and asked me what jabs that i would be going to take... I was surprised and stared @ both of them... no words came out from my mouth... (If you knew me well, by then the volcano would be erupted and not sure how many victims were there at that moment)... but i was so patient (maybe the nurse was pretty... not those fat and unattractive nurse... oops! no offense eh!) that i told the nurses i could not remember the exact name of the jabs (innocent look from me) ... something starts with "T" and the other starts with "M"... (sorry i was very bad with all those medical terms). So guess what? the nurses just gave me a very pretty smile....
15 mins later, the pharmacist requested one of the nurse to get the jabs from them pharmacy and my heart was bumping faster and faster... that was it... the time has came... I was called into the treatment room, i was joking around with the nurses about how scary I always feel about taking jabs... The pretty nurse was just showing her humous side by teasing me with bringing out a biggest needles and told me that one of the jabs need this needle... Oops! I was nearly fainted when i noticed that... then she just gave me a smile and took another one which was the smallest. Two jabs was executed... one was jabs into my muscle... felt a little bit pain but not that i expected... so it was good! another one just like the Yellow Fever jabs ... felt nothing. I thank the 2 nurses and left the treatment room happily. No tear :-p forgot to take picture with the pretty nurse lah... sigh!
TZ was happy after the jabs and left the medical center for Ikea... which i had lunch appointment with my old colleagues Jason, Rosa, Corine and Pei Ling. Since I had went through so much stress in the morning... I decided to pampered myself with nice Swedish Food as we were having lunch @ Ikea Cafe.

Seafood Salad

Swedish Meet Ball (10 pieces)
2 Jabs down 2 more to go... it will be 2 weeks later if i'm still in Malaysia. Otherwise, i will need to take the other 2 jabs when i come back for vacation.