Thursday, September 30, 2010

MagSafe Adapter die...

My Macbook Charger just die yesterday night. Not sure what's wrong, I need to go back to the shop and check whether it's cover within the Apple Care Support Plan. Now i could not use my Macbook until i got the charger replaced.

After performing the step recommended by the Apple Support... my MagSafe Adapter still not functioning. Sigh~ Sigh~ Sigh~ Need to pay a visit to the apple store tomorrow already.


Twilight Man said...

This is the first time I heard a MAC charger died! TZ must have abused it.

Legolas said...

Abused it in a way that nobody should know?

smallkucing said...

burnt out ah

William said...

Why MacBook adapter look so weird one ah?

TZ said...

Twilight: I'm not the only one... according to the attendance in the service center. So maybe yours will be next *evil laugh*

Legolas: Hahaha... maybe you don't mind describe how i abuse. Just wanna to check on your imagination :p

smallkucing: maybe working too hard already...

William: What do you mean? Weird?

blue said...

mine still in mint condition after almost 2 years. Hope its doesnt end up same way like yours. Im more gentle than u anyway LOL...

TZ said...

Blue: Hey, i'm also gentle but don't know why all of the sudden it just die... :( Now, no apple for TZ. Sigh~