Gem Island - Day 2
I tried to wake up for the sunrise for day 2 ... mission just failed... *sigh* Reason being the king size bed was so comfortable... by the time i woke up it's already 8am... Sun already rose :-(
According to the resort manager, the sunrise could be viewed from my balcony... just a few steps from my bed to the balcony... TZ was too lazy to wake up from a comfortable bed.
Anyway, since i already up... Took a quick shower and headed out for some morning shots. The scenery was different from the afternoon.

Scenery from the jetty

It looks like Croc, no sound... but it's definitely not Croc :-p

Nice Beach to chill out

View from the Lobby... crystal clear water

Resort Jetty

Lobby of the resort
After taking couples of nice shots of the surrounding, I decided to take some picture of the cute little young turtles whom were taking their breakfast... some of the turtles were learning how to swim from one end to another... there was a Canadian lady... she was so excited when she was standing @ the edge of the turtle pool... I hope she was not excited on seeing the gruesome scene of the young turtles were feeding on the fish... :-p

Young Turtles was fed on Fish... Gross but anyway... welcome to the real world :-p

Closer view of looking at these turtles

Canadian lady was very excited when looking @ the young turtles

Lady in Red was staring @ the cute little turtles
My stomach has calling for food... it's time for me to get my breakfast... so headed to the restaurant and few minutes later... breakfast served :->

After breakfast, i placed all my gadgets back to the safe. Got changed and hit the beach for my first snorkeling... there were no picture on snorkeling for privacy purposes... kakaka :-> I spent most of my morning doing the snorkeling... Guess what? there were three dudes just arrived and they were sitting by the beach... as usual I just started the conversation and invited them to snorkel together... but the answer from them were "we will join you tomorrow for snorkeling, we just arrived today" So, i left them on the beach and back to my another round of snorkeling before lunch...
At a bout noon, my energy was low and I headed back to the room, got myself washed and changed, then headed for my lunch.

Mix vege with Squird

Fish curry (I don't think i'm sharing with the turtles :-p )

Nice Fruits platter

Fried Chicken

View from the restaurant while waiting for my food
After lunch, took a quick nap until about 2pm... Let my food digested... got changed to my swimming trunk and once again headed back to the beach for the afternoon snorkeling... This round i went out to the coral garden at the back of the resort... I was not comfortable to snorkel alone... so i invited myself to join this couple from Dubai... they were good and they were okay for me to join... We swam out quite far and managed to see sharks... I was stunt for a while... fortunately i didn't become the dinner for the sharks... A good experience to see the sharks live!
I was so tired by the end of the day and very lazy to take any picture too... I had an early dinner. When i about to leave the restaurant, i bumped into the three dudes again... they invited me to join them for dinner.. I sat down for a while and we introduced each other. The three dude that I met were Simon, Alvin and William... hehehe... this is me TZ! I met new friends along the way and during my vacation. When their dinner was served, i just made a move (i was also very tired) and headed back to my room and straightaway hit the bed after a whole day of snorkeling.
PS: I met 3 dudes, 1 couple from Dubai, 1 couple from France, one couple from UK, 1 lady from Canada... but i did not meet any gals... *sigh*
Previous entry: Gem Island Day 1
More picture: Gem Island Snap Shots by TZ
hey mate good to find u here. i just figured out Simon, Alvin and William can be initial-ed as SAW. Haha. Anyway, the turtles were really cool. I was messing with them a lot and then somebody shouted that we shouldn't touch them. Oh well. Good luck with your work and be in touch
Simon Lee: The young turtle looks cool... oops you got shouted by the staff eh! :-p Anyway, thanks for dropping by my blog...
this place is a gem indeed! thanks for sharing. makes me a proud malaysian! :)
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