Sunday morning coffee
My mom is having her facial session and i am having my favorite coffee to kick start my day in a quiet [errrr... no longer now :( ] and nice coffee place. From far i have already smell the nice coffee aroma. The moment i walked into the coffee place, the place was so quite but now due to the irresponsible parents whom do not even know how to control their aggressive children. Basically, the children are running around, shouting and banning the table. And the parent dod not even educate the children and just let them running like a wild animal in Safari... Hey kiddo, this is not children playground or Zoo... please keep your voice down and sit quietly.
Anyway, does anyone know where am i now? This is the view outside the window where i'm sitting...

BTW, there is another family just came in with the children... the children are so quiet and they are whispering at the corner... the children are enjoying their breakfast and doing their reading. This is how a big difference between an educated parent and an uneducated parent... And parent who know how to educate the children and the other don't...
As i always mentioned to a bunch of my friends...
"If those couple don't know how to educate and control their children properly, please DO NOT give birth to a child. Don't let your children behaving and running like a wild animal."
some families prefer to let their child enjoy childhood. some discipline their kids into submission. got pro and cons lah.
happy sunday.
Mr. D: Thanks for dropping by my blog eh~ I agreed with you, we shouldn't restrict child enjoy childhood... but when it bothered to the other person... I think it should be a STOP. Anyway, this is their preference... :p
i used to have the same expericed before...u know what i did? i give a loud sigh, then the parents look at me; i rool my eyes then slam my laptop move to other table...then the parents ask their kids to behave..
I hate parents who not know how to control their kids too. I will look at them and just say out in the air, some people just do not know how to control their kids.
It is a challenge to be a parent. Some children are just "too much too handle". If they want to "lepas tangan" in privacy of their own homes, that is their right, but in public, many forget about the feelings of others.
looks like you're very frustrated with annoying kids.. :D
So do I..
Hahahahahaha !!
Wah , didnt know that Pikey could be so garang. ;)
Paul Figaro J : Wow~ u always send a clear signal over but did the signal received clearly most of the time?
Pikey: Cool down dude... but honestly speaking those running wild children.. the parent should be scolded.
William: i agreed with you... challenge to be a parent but it's even a challenge when they run out of control. So parents please spend more time with the children and do the right thing.
ahlost: I think i'm more annoying with the parents then the children. :p
Gratitude: hahaha... Now we know already ... ;-)
I guess it is near to sri petaling.
If not mistake, it is near to desa petaling as well. Hahaha
Look like you dislike children hehehe.
hmmm agree with above comments, i guess its not as easy, especially some kids are really rebellious, the choices the parents hv is either just close one eye, or nvr walk into public places.
of coz they r parents who were less responsible and let the children misbehave even though their child actually are those can b tamed.
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