Charity Bachelor Auction @ Westin KL on July 20th 2008
There was a Charity Bachelor Auction @ Westin KL which raised more awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA). This event was only open to women only... hehehe... it's a women only event :-p
Anyway, since there were looking for a third photographer and my buddy Matt has submitted my name to the organizer... I just an amateur and not a professional... since this was a Charity Event they don't mind me as the amateur photographer to help out. I was a little stress out the day before as this was my 1st time to take picture of the event...
I arrived @ Westin KL when the 15 bachelors were having their rehersal... managed to capture few shots to test out... it didn't turn out to be good ... *sigh* As a result, i talked to the principle photographer and got some advice from him. After that i was a little bit more comfortable with the photo taking session.
After the lunch, the bachelors were getting ready for make up @ the other rooms.
Meanwhile, in the ballroom, there were some preparation
All the ladies came in about 2pm and straight after 2pm the event started.
Event organizer
Let's see how the bachelor impressed the ladies to donate the money for the charity... The auction started... going once... going twice .... sold
Matt took off his shirt for more money
Cake decorating with unchained melody @ the background... romantic eh!
The event ended quite late and all of us were so tired... anyway, before leaving the place took couples of picture :-p
I gotta the chance to have a picture with the celebrity whom host the chinese version of Deal or No Deal and also the travel documentary Hi Seoul... :->
Folks, this is a backdated event which happened on July 20th ... due to my busy schedule i was not able to complete the entry... hope you enjoy eh! :-> BTW, who wanna to be the Charitable Bachelor 2009???
more pictures available @ tz-photo
eh eh.. how much is u la.. kakakaka.... looks like u guys really having fun there.. =)
Simple Alex: me? Priceless .... muhahaha... I was the photographer :-p
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