Monday, April 30, 2007

hurry! Hurry!... Income Tax form submission

All Malaysian, have you completed your tax declaration? I just finished mine and will send it to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) tomorrow. It has been a few years, i always finished my income tax declaration on the last day. I don't really like to do work on the income tax as i felt the process is tedious and not user friendly. It is a pain to go through this process :->

But fortunately, i'm glad that my company has completed almost all the calculation for my tax in a single form. My job is to transfer the figure into the income tax form with additional personal insurance and expenses. Yet i complaint so much... :->

Anyway, if you have not complete your individual income tax (not business). You still have about 22 hours to go. enjoy your income tax declaration, it is an yearly event :-p *wink*

IRB/Income Tax Form, See you next year. Adios...

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